Funded by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Howard University Libraries (HULS) and the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center (MSRC) is developing Digital Howard. Digital Howard is an online repository to preserve and provide open access to work produced by Howard University faculty and students (including theses and dissertations). It will also provide tools to publish manuscript, archival and photographic materials held by MSRC. Through Digital Howard faculty will be able to create and maintain personal webpages to highlight work and research interests and manage open access journals, including article submission, peer review, publication and preservation. Digital Howard will allow departments to organize conferences, including paper submissions, peer reviews, and publications and preserve conference proceedings.
"We have a double-edged relationship with the products and services we use. They empower us and frustrate us; they simplify and complicate our lives; they separate us and bring us closer together. "
Jesse James Garrett - The Elements of User Experience, User-Centered Design for the Web and Beyond
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