Download Resume: UX-DBlanchard2020
About the Designer
Highly skilled and successful UX/UI Designer with expertise in User Centered Design, and Application Development. Experienced in Agile processes including development of user stories, user interviews, user testing and sprint planning. Excellent UX Strategist and UX Researcher - Creates site maps, workflows, journey mapping, sketches, wire frames, detailed HD mockups, and html responsive prototypes including 18f standards.
"Right out of college, my initial experience was in print design, but that passion was soon overcome when the web became a lure for creativity. It was more flexible, immediate, luminous, and if you made a mistake it was just a matter of editing and uploading the page again, unlike print.
I began doing web design for my freelance graphic design clients when doing extensive branding. I intuitively created a foundation for my projects which included what I called a 'discovery period' where I did studies such as site mapping, 'what worked in the old site and what didn't', 'who are your users', 'what websites have a look and feel that reflects what your hoping for in your new site?', and 'Is your current branding working?' This all helped me create a foundation for the new website that was really a good fit for the client, and successful for the end users as well. Today they call that User Centered Design, and UX/UI. That's ok with me, no matter what you call it, it still produces a better end product.
After studying other methods, following newsletters and getting further training in UX, I now find that this industry is continuing to change and improve. Advice to new designers? Keep your eyes open, be flexible, and find a way to successfully dance between the client and the end user so both are happy.
I love my work as a visual designer and user interface and experience consultant. I hope that I can always connect with the client so that their efforts are realized, and their business or project is more successful."
Dawn Blanchard is UX Design Certified with Neilson Norman Group with emphasis in UX Design Management and User Interface Design. Please visit certification confirmation page for more information.
"NNG founders, Jakob Nielsen and Don Norman, are recognized around the world for their leadership in defining the field of UX. Together, they founded Nielsen Norman Group, an elite firm dedicated to improving the everyday experience of using technology. The creators of the term "UX/UI Design" they are the leaders in the field."